C-Trenton Z

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born 2000 , height 168 cm
by Carthago - Calypso II - Nevado xx - Waterman
line 18 A 2

Breeder: Stutteri Het Malwater , Niederlande
Owner: Stutteri Het Malwater , Niederlande

Approved for Holstein, Hannover, Westfalen, Oldenburg International, Other associations on request

Stud fee: 600,00 € plus VAT

Capitol I
Calando I
Calypso II
Cor de la Bryere
Nevado xx
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C-TRENTON Z, the eye catching sporty type, sits on strong sport orientated bloodlines in his pedigree: The sire is CARTHAGO who was a consistent member of the Dutch show jumping team by many international championships, paired with a CALYPSO II dam whose full sister, CLASSIKER, was ridden to great success by Paul Schockemoehle before her career sadly ended too early. The Line 18A2 can surely be named as one of the most successful in Holstein breeding. Internationally successful horses such as the dressage stallion MARMOR (Peter Mohr), CASCADEUR (Bo Kristoffersen), CHAMBERTIN (Jörg Naeve), or the unforgettable MIN JUNG ( Peter Hoff) are just a few who started from this line. The yearling full brother to C-TRENTON Z was just third in the US Championships for his age group. C-TRENTON Z was convincing at the 30 day testing with his enormous jump, which received the end note 9.44, and has put him in one of the top places of the German standard. He surprised everybody on May 4th, 2008 with his international debut in the CSI*** Hamburg Derby. He has also been internationally successful in youngster and puissance classes with his rider Torben Köhlbrandt.



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