Central Park

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born 2013 , height 167 cm
by Casall - Contender - Sandro - Cor de la Bryère A.N.
line 318 d 2

Breeder: Lothar Steuer , Pansdorf
Owner: Hengststation Maas J. Hell , Klein Offenseth

Approved for Holstein, Oldenburg International, Hannover, Other associations on request

Stud fee: 900 € plus VAT

Caletto II
Lavall I
Gracia III
Calypso II
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With Central Park came the Reserve Champion of the 2015 Holsteiner Approvals in Neumünster to Klein Offenseth. He impresses with his brilliant type and his exceedingly supple appearance, especially in his movement which is feather light, but also with an energetic hind end and steady uphill tendency. Central Park has colossal scope at the jump. Style, impression, technique and scope meet the very highest demands. His sire, Casall, is still the number one breeding stallion in the worldwide show jumping sport. The dam, Upstream, is a full sister to the licensed stallions Chello I, II and III as well as being a half-sister to the licensed Casiro I offspring Castelan I and II. There common dam, Gracia II, is currently the most successful active breeding mare in Holstein thanks to the success of her offspring. The dam sire, Contender, was one of the most proven sires nationwide and his offspring have earned approximately 8 million Euros. Sandro, in the third generation, was an assertive stallion. Stallion personalities of epoch making significance are in the fourth and fifth generation with Cor de la Bryère A.N. and Ramiro. The significant Holsteiner line 318 d 2 has brought more than 55 licensed stallions and many international sport horses. Central Park scored highly across the board in his stallion performance test, scoring well for the rideability , his technique over the fence and for his scope. He won the stallion performance test 2018 with 9.16.



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