Quick Nick I

Quinar - Concerto II - Lord - Caletto II
Breeder: Timm Peters , Bargenstedt
Approved for Holstein, Other associations on request
Stud fee: 650,00 € plus VAT
The attractive, modern and correctly built Quick Nick I was a premium stallion following the main Holsteiner approvals in Neumünster 2003. The stallion was playing in his own league with great ease, incredible scope and a super manner. Following many wins and high placings in young horse competitions in 2006, he went on to be placed a few times at the Bundeschampionat for German Young Horses, where he reached the final. As of 2008 he started internationally with Jonella Ligresti for Italy. His progeny are frequently (12 from a total of 46!!!) successful in S competitions. Quick Nick I also delivered two licensed stallions in Quinn and Quick Loutano. His sire Quinar, successful with Jos Lansink (BEL), is considered one of the most effective Quidam de Revel SF sons ever. The dam sire Concerto II was one of the best sons of Contender, but left the breeding stage way too early. There are outstanding Holsteiner sires in the back generations with the stallion of the century, Lord, and the approval winner and top sire, Caletto II. Holsteiner line 390, from which come ten licensed stallions.
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