
168 cm
Cassoulet - Lancelot Quainton - Pius - Dukat
Martin Scheide
Hengststation Maas J. Hell
Klein Offenseth
Approved for Holstein, Hannover, German Sport Horse, Other associations on request
Stud fee: 500 € plus VAT
Every inch a King! Casselot was a brilliant champion of the DSP licensing in Neustadt (Dosse) 2017. Type, format, and frame speak for themselves. Casselot embodies an unconditional statement of performance ability. For his first class loose jumping performances and extremely positive demonstration of paces at the Neustadt licensing he he received several outstanding applauses from the audience present. His sire Cassoulet (Cassall - Corrado I - Contender - Lord - Sacramento Song xx) was a premium stallion of the Holsteiner licensing in 2013. Cassoulet has since achieved numerous successes in show jumping competitions under the patronage of the Landgestüt Moritzburg and produced outstanding foals. Casselot is a product of his first crop of foals. Casselot’s dam Ziona S was placed in riding horse tests, completed an above average mare performance test and performed successfully as a show jumper. The dam sire Lancelot Quainton, also a pure Holsteiner, was victorious several times in showjumping tests during his three seasons standing at Moritzburg and produced several S Class showjumping progeny. Pius, Dukat and Romeo are also known Moritzburger Stallions in the descending mareline. Casselot represents the thüringer mare family Helga (v. Goldschnitt-Gauner-Rex etc), which has to date produced many successful horses to S Class, and the S**** internationally successful Robroy 2/ Patrik Majher (SVK).
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