
Cantus - Calando I - Landego - Pannier xx
Breeder: Herbert Diederich , Niestetal
Approved for Holstein, Hannover, Oldenburg International, Other associations on request
Stud fee: 600,00 € plus VAT
Canturo was a particularly successful stud stallion par excellence: He placed at the Federal Championships of German Show Jumpers and competed in the final at the World Championships of Young Show Jumpers in Zangersheide. With the Brazilian Bernardo Alves he earned international victories and placings in Vienna/AUT, Brussels/BEL, San Patrignano/ITA and Verona/ITA, to name just a few. Canturo also won the highly endowed Spruce Meadows Grand Prix in Canada. He competed at the 2004 Olympics in Athens/GRE and won the Prize of Europe at the 2005 CHIO in Aachen. In 2006, he finished fourth in the Grand Prix and second in the Grand Prix of Wiesbaden at the same place. His son Canto was winner of the Holstein Stallion Licensing in 2004. Meanwhile, the number of licensed sons like Canstakko and Canturado has increased to 56 worldwide. His offspring put their sire at the top of the WBFSH world rankings; they won more than 3 Million Euro, the same amount of money he earned as a grandfather of sporthorses. This shows his great genetic potential. 40 of his offspring are successful at 1.60m jumping level, for example Cristy/Marcus Ehning, Zypria S/Willem Greve (NED), Can Ya Makan/Shane Breen (IRL), Conte della Caccia/Martin Fuchs (SUI), Camargo/Luciana Diniz (POR) and Good Luck/Cian O'Connor (IRL). Canturo’s dam line 162 has produced 86 licensed stallions such as Carthago, Cascavelle, Lacros and Lord Calando as well as the internationally successful show horses Chicago/Andreas Schou (DEN), Captain Carlos/Felix Koller (AUT), Classic Touch DH/Thibeau Spits (BEL), Quincassi/Nikolaus Schurtenberger (SUI) and Precious Dwerse Hagen/Olivier Philppaerts (BEL; 3rd place at the World Breeding Jumping Championships for seven-year-old jumpers inLanaken 2022).
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